Biyernes, Disyembre 14, 2012

Time Travel

                It never ceases to amaze me how the pre-Spanish Filipino people were able to defeat Magellan, a well travelled and experienced warrior.  If given a chance I would be very much willing to go back to the time when Lapu-Lapu and his people organized themselves to fight Magellan and his men and drive them away from the Philippines.

                I am interested to know how  Lapu-Lapu managed to organize the natives  and taught them how to fight.  Fighting a war needs an intelligent and brave leader.  Winning a war against Magellan who participated in many battles requires brilliant moves and strategy.   

                I watched a documentary about Lapu-Lapu and from there, I learned that they didn’t have any gadgets to gather information at that time.  There was no typewriter, telephone or even cellphone to relay messages to one another.  They didn’t have guns but only armed with spears, bolo and the like.  Probably Magellan and his men were armed to the teeth, complete with guns and ammunition and cannons.

                Spears were no match to guns and cannons.  By the just  sound of gundifres and seeing the instant deaths of natives that were shot, one may retreat right away.  Fears might hve seeped in but no.  Lapu-Lapu and his men moved forward and attacked without fear in their hearts.  Lapu-Lapu’s bravery must be contagious which led his men to victory.